Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hooray for morning work outs because it makes me feel so good and sets a great tone for the rest of my day, even though it is hard!

Hooray for scrambled eggs and pico. It tastes so very good after my workout. Thanks Michelle!

Hooray for beautiful Fall days with cool nights and mornings and days where you don't want to melt when you walk outside.

Hooray for good music that makes you want to move your body. "I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it..." Love it!

Hooray for the fact that even though I am so overweight I am still healthy enough and able to move it move it.

Hooray for clean houses, something I experience only in my dreams. One day I will get there.

Hooray for smiles! A way even strangers can communicate.

Hooray for good friends that uplift and motivate us to LIVE better.

HOORAY! Hooray for life!


patrice davies said...

WOW! And hurray for your wonderful BLOG thas is such a wonderful idea of physical, emotional and mental health!!!!! I love it! I love your blog today!! I wish I lived next door to you and we could walk outside together!

Michelle said...

HOOORAAY!! For friends that motivate and keep me going - who by 9:30 a.m. on a Saturday have already done their workout and cheer me on. Thanks Christine.